PerformanceOptimizer identifies and eliminates performance bottlenecks caused by a disk pool hotspot ? a concentrated I/O load on specific physical disks. The performance bottleneck is resolved fast because administrators do not have to perform troublesome and time-consuming performance analysis. Hotspot elimination is performed online without disrupting applications.

PerformanceOptimizer can also be used to non-disruptively migrate volumes (LUNs) to a different tier of storage: move LUNs on SAS drives to SATA drives (and vice-versa) without bringing down the application.

PerformanceOptimizer provides the following functions:
Identifies bottlenecks
Shows the I/O concentration on disks as a "busy ratio" and in three-color-coding, with customizable thresholds.
Suggest plans for reducing/eliminating bottlenecks
Provides a list of plans that would reduce the I/O concentration on hotspots by moving volumes from very busy disks to less busy disks. The plans are ranked according to predicted effectiveness.
Provides plan effectiveness
Displays "what if" analysis of how effective the plan would be according to historical data. The chart of "what if" performance also shows the predicted average busy ratio and maximum busy ratio.
Executes plan non-disruptively
The selected plan to eliminate the hotspot can be carried out immediately or at a specified time. The migration of the volume is carried out in the background such that applications can still access the volume.
Migrate LUNs to different Disk Pools non-disruptively
Select up to 8 LUNs and migrate them to Disk Pools of your choice simultaneously. The LUN remains accessible for application throughout the migration. This can be especially useful for adjusting a tiered storage approach - migrating LUNs to/from high- and low-performance drives. It can also be used for changing the RAID protection level of data.